Hi there, my name is Mark and I am the curator and founder of the Working With Crowds website and social media platforms.

This site was born out of frustration when researching crowd incidents and for reference material. A statement of “why is there not one place I can find everything I need!” turned into the online gathering of information. 

This has grown over the years and we now cover many countries and collaborations with professionals and subject matter experts. 

The idea

The idea behind this website/ blog is a simple one, to promote good practice and share knowledge in Crowd Safety Management. 

We look to offer a free service of knowledge and sharing. We openly invite the sharing of best practice and would encourage others to participate . We offer to all, the platform to share their thoughts and practices; this can be via Blogs, videos, or presentations. This site will host this for you and share it with the industry, as we understand that not everyone will have access to a web based sharing platform.

Blogging on subjects relating to Crowd Safety Management; anonymously or credited.
Training material with the ability to be adapted and changed to suit your needs
Gathering of guidance and legislation in matters relating to Crowd Safety Management.
Service or Product review. As the industry changes faster we can miss out on the latest developments and technology.

We endeavor to assist as many people as we can on Crowd Safety, making events safer for us all


Working With Crowds founder

Be part of the site

We are always looking to add relevant content to the site. Although we are based in the UK, the site now has a global reach and as such look to introduce information from all countries.

Please get in touch if we are missing a relevant piece of information that you believe will assist your peers. Or, if you would like to add content to the site. 

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