
Emergency Preparedness Guidelines For Mass, Crowd-Intensive Events

Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness

Vancouver Police Department 2011 Stanley Cup Riot Review

Vancouver Police Department

Emergency Response Planning for Community Events 2013


British Columbia Major Planned Events Guidelines

A resource towards safe, successful Major Planned Events in British Columbia


Prof. dr. Mike King

Two Crowd Control Case Studies

Soni Desai, Ivan Taylor

Central Operational Research Team

Defence R&D CanadaCentre for Operational Research and Analysis

SecurityGuardTest Preparation Guide

Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services



Canada Soccer believes that every individual involved in soccer deserves the opportunity to participate safely. Children, in particular, have a right to participate in sport in a safe and enjoyable environment. The Canada Soccer Guide to Safety (the Guide), as an element of the Canada Soccer Club Licensing Program, presents information, best practices and principles, and guidance to support safe environments and participation. The Guide is divided into sections, designed to cover all elements of safety both on and off the field of play, including Codes of Conduct, Child Protection, the Responsible Coaching Movement, Anti–Doping, Injury and Return to Play, Facility and Equipment Safety, and Psychological Safety. In addition, it provides resources to support key stakeholders; Coaches and Program Leaders, Parents, and Children, as well as templates, tools, and samples for organizations, to create safe environments

Emergency Response Planning for Community Events 2013 ALBERTA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Municipal Affairs

Executive Summary

The Emergency Response Planning for Community Events was developed to assist emergency managers and event planners in communities across Alberta. The guide provides tools and strategies to assist with every stage; from concept through to completion of the event. Recent events in Alberta, throughout Canada and internationally have heightened the need to provide event planners with the tools and processes to guide them in recognizing, mitigating and respond to incidents during an event. The guide is not intended to replace the Municipal Emergency Management Program but rather to complement the MEMP by:

Identifying the need for a joint municipal/event planning group

Assessing risk prior to the event and linking mitigation efforts to the MEMP or establishing hazard specific plans as identified

Establishing the linkages between the event and community emergency managers

Providing a process to exercise and develop a cycle of continuous improvement through the lessons learned process

Best practices information was gathered from the two major municipalities of Calgary and Edmonton, alongside federal and provincial government departments. The intent was to build a guide that can be used by any community, event planner or venue operator to develop an event Emergency Response Plan that will ensure the safety of the public has been addressed and planned for.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Program

Hazard Identification Report 2019
Section F: Public Safety and Security Hazards

Office of the Fire Marshal & Emergency Management


The Hazard Report contains information profiles for hazards, including a high-level overview of possible consequences. It is divided into 10 parts; an introduction and 9 sub-sections labelled 2a-i as follows:

  1. Agriculture and Food
  2. Environmental
  3. Extraterrestrial
  4. Hazardous Materials
  5. Health
  6. Public Safety and Security
  7. Structural
  8. Supply and Distribution
  9. Transportation


City of Ottawa Event Central

This planning guide is developed by Event Central in consultation with City stakeholders and agencies that play a role in supporting event operations and/or provide required permits. This guide is comprehensive, although it cannot address every possible question or topic. Event Central remains available to assist you.

An Emergency Management Framework for Canada Third Edition


Note On Revised Edition Ten years into the original version of An Emergency Management Framework for Canada (2007), Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for Emergency Management are pleased to announce the third version of this well-established and fundamental text. Reflecting the ever changing emergency management environment and risk landscape, this revised version underscores the linkages between climate change and emergency management, and the need for all areas of society to work together to enhance resilience.

CONSOLIDATION Emergency Management Act / CODIFICATION Loi sur la gestion des urgences

S.C. 2007, c. 15 L.C. 2007, ch. 15


Prof. dr. Mike King


There has been some significant debate over the last decade concerning a purported trend in ‘Western’ public order policing policy and practices away from a primarily reactive, confrontational and protester dispersal model, to one that is based more within the notion of de-escalation of conflict, entailing intelligence-led policing, mutual communication and negotiated accommodation, i.e. towards the ‘management’ of crowds. The reasons for such a shift have been located variously within a general movement towards a more liberal democratic society in these countries, and the process of social change generally, resulting in an increasing movement from modern to advanced-modern society. Again, the reasons why the police are involved in this developmental change is seen as being due to their relationship with the state, concerns about legitimate action and their operating within an increasingly risk-based society. However, the police themselves are not solely effecting change by responding to external pressure, but also act as agents for change themselves on the basis of police knowledge and lessons learned.

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