It has been a fair bit of time since we put fingers to keys and jotted down a blog. So, why the big gaps between content?
Just like the rest of you, we tend to get busy for periods of time, and time is exactly what we lose track off. Projects can be all consuming and the things you love doing tend to be the first thing that have to be paused.
In this pause though, we have undertaken a new project. We where approached by CSD Productions last year and asked if we would be interested in a series of interviews on crowd safety with experts from around the world? Well, Yes was not the first answer to come from the mouth; it was “Really?” Why would anyone be interested in that? So the conversation continued over drinks (not coffee) and Mark from WWC, says he would give is a go. Now, Mark is not the most forth coming of people (we did say drink was involved they….he now blames that) and in the cold light of day he needed convincing.
This was the sell. There are a lot of very interesting people in the crowd safety world and we very rarely get to see them talking and sharing their ideas. Occasionally they may pop up at a conference, but that will be to the attended audience. A setting of two people talking about what they are passionate about over a cup of coffee, in a nice location, and no agenda. Just introducing them and what their take on crowd safety is.
After now filming two episodes Mark is seeing the vision behind the idea.
“At a conference, there is an agenda, a sell to the presentation. Now this does not have to of a service, but it will involve more telling than discussing. There is the distraction of the Presentation, the noise of other around you and the set path the presentation takes.”
“How often, have you wanted to stop the speaker and get more information on a point they where informing us of? The format of Coffee and Crowds allows that. Ask the question, talk about it and move along like a conversation. Relaxing, informative and you can view it over and over.”
CSD Productions are an amazing team to work with and the vision they have is shining through. Mark is not known for just going on for the ride, but on this one he has taken a leap of faith and it is paying off.
We hope you are enjoying all the hard work that is going in to this and the rest of the series.