EVA – Concerts Pop
The gathering of information, news articals and reports to assist in planning.
“Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) is simply a method of estimating the probability of a rare event. It is perhaps best known for its application in meteorology where it is used to predict the likelihood of extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain maximum frost penetration or extreme wind conditions. The method is also used in engineering to predict the possible failure rate of a mechanical system. A wider application to crowd safety planning was used by Brian Toft (1990) in his thesis, A failure of hindsight, to support his argument that crowd related accidents should not be treated as unavoidable acts of god but more likely a failure of risk analysis.”
Mick Upton
Twenty One Pilots – Ultimate Crowd Surfing
Taylor Swift Attacked On Stage By Obsessed Fan!
One Direction overview of the whole crowd in Santiago, Chile at the 2nd concert 1/5 🙂
Harry Styles saved a little girl to be crash on a concert in mexico city
Harry Styles trying to help a fan from the crowd.
One direction fan faints holding Zayn Malik’s hand
Beyonce attacked on stage and dragged off by a shirtless guy
Ed Sheeran Helps Fan Having Asthma Attack 9.23.12
Miley Cyrus Attacked By A Fan on Stage
Justin Bieber got attacked by arab fan in Dubai
Fan Attack Justin Bieber in Paris