Research survey - Front of Stage
We are assisting a student in there research project in to front of stage safety. As an area that has had a limited amount of research we find this would benefit the industry. Please see the details below.
We would also be willing to provide the same service to ther students.
Participant Information Sheet
You’ve been asked to participate in a study about a comparative study of front of stage safety standards in crowded places. This study is being conducted at Coventry University by Mark McQuade, Student. It’s critical that you are aware of the goals and procedures of the research before deciding to participate. Please take your time and thoroughly read the following material.
The purpose of the study
The purpose of this of this comparative study is to determine whether crowd safety standards in crowded places comply with customer safety requirements and meet standards of legislation and guidelines.
1 To determine the operational knowledge of Strategic, Tactical and Operational provision.
– Competence
– Health and safety
– Crowd management and dynamics
– Situational awareness
2 – Comparative study of data to determine gaps in the operational knowledge or confirmation of compliance to standards.
3 – Set a framework for future development of safety standards and operational delivery in a front of stage area.
– Crowd management and manual handling
– Training development
Why have you been chosen
For clarity, if you choose to chosen to participate in this study it is on a voluntary basis. This is though engagement with the recruitment material for the survey. In doing so you are expressing that you have either participated in a front of stage safety operation, assisted in planning a front of stage safety operation or a working knowledge of a front of stage safety operation.
What are the benefits from inclusion in the study
Though participation and sharing your industry experiences and opinions, you are assisting Mark McQuade and Coventry University to better understand the crowd safety standards in crowded places and if they comply with customer safety requirements and meet standards of legislation and guidelines or are there gaps in the provision that can be brought to the fore.
Are there any hazards to participating?
The formal research ethics process at Coventry University has evaluated and approved this work. Participation is not connected with any substantial risks.
Do I need to participate?
No. It’s entirely up to you to participate. Save this information sheet and fill out the informed consent form if you decide to participate in the study to demonstrate that you are aware of your rights and that you are willing to take part. If you decide to leave the study at a later time, please write down your participant number (found on the consent form) and contact Mark with the details provided below.
You may at any time remove your information from the project data set up until the data are completely anonymized in our records on 25th July 2023 or until the data are destroyed 30th September 2023.
You should be aware that your data might be utilised to create formal research outputs (including working papers, journal articles, conference papers, theses, and reports) before this date, so you should get in touch with the institution as soon as you decide to leave the study. To withdraw, please get in touch with the researcher (contact details are provided below).
Alternatively, or in times of not being able to contact the researcher, please contact the student for the research supervisor details
There is no need to explain your choice to withdraw or not participate. This will conclude your participation and not affect you in any way from that point.
What will occur if I choose to participate?
There will be several inquiries made of you regarding your working history in front of stage safety operations, your training in the field, general demographic questions, your opinions of key operations and training provisions and key operational knowledge questions. The interview will happen at a convenient time for you in a secure setting. The setting should ideally be in a peaceful area since we would like to audio record your comments (and will need your permission for this). The interview should take about 60 minutes but is not restricted but the student to finish the survey. If you require more time to provide a comprehensive survey, the researcher will ensure you have sufficient time. Interviews can be paused at any time for comfort breaks or to allow important interruptions, but we ask where possible this not to occur.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act of 2018 will both be followed in the processing of your data. Any data gathered about you will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your data will be identified by a special participant number rather than by name unless they have been completely anonymized in our systems. If you agree to being audio or visually recorded, all recordings will be deleted after transcription. The researcher will be the only one to see your data. All digital information will be kept in a password-protected computer file at Coventry University Cloud services, Student One Drive. The paper documentation will be kept in a lockable filing cabinet at researcher office, Dumbarton, Scotland. In order to reduce risk in the event of a data breach, your consent information will be maintained apart from your responses. All gathered data will be destroyed on or before 31st July 2023, with the principal researcher bearing responsibility for this.
Transfers of Data Internationally
Your information will be processed and stored in Coventry University Cloud services, Student One Drive. Please be aware that nations outside the European Economic Area might not provide the same degree of protection for personal data as the UK.
Data Protection Rights
You are entitled to access the data that is kept on you. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the 2018 Data Protection Act, you may exercise your right of access. Also, you have rights to rectification, erasure, opposition, and data portability. Visit for further information, including the option to file a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can also contact the university’s data protection officer with inquiries, comments, or requests regarding your personal information.
What will be done with the findings of this research?
The findings of this study may be summarised in a professional working paper, reports, presentations, and published articles. In any formal outputs, quotes or significant findings will always be kept anonymous unless we have your previous, express written consent to identify you by name.
Filing a grievance Please first get in touch with the researcher, Mark McQuade,, if you are dissatisfied with any part of this study. Please send a letter to if you still have issues and want to file an official complaint.
Ask for supervisors details to be provided.
Please provide details about the research project, the researcher’s identity, and the specifics of your complaint in your letter.
Supervisor/ "Pit Boss" Level
Do you provide supervision or leadership to front of stage safety teams, then this is the survey for you.
A bit more in-depth aimed at a higher level of input and level of experience.
Approx time (15 – 30 min)
Mostly multi choice with the ability to comment.
Security/ Steward Level Long Version
Are you part of a front of stage safety teams, then this is the survey for you.
A bit more in-depth level of input.
Approx time (15 – 30 min)
Mostly multi choice with the ability to comment.
Security/ Steward Level Short Version - just questions
Security/ Steward Level Short Version - just opinions
Are you part of a front of stage safety teams, then this may be the survey for you.
A bit less in-depth level of input.
Approx time (15 min)
Mostly multi choice
Are you part of a front of stage safety teams, then this may be the survey for you.
A bit more in-depth level of input.
Approx time (15 min)
Just your opinions.