A short circuit may have sparked the blaze, police said. But witnesses told firefighters that they heard several explosions before the fire went tearing through the disco at 5 a.m. The disco, Lobohombo, had no emergency exits. and was operating with a permit for a restaurant rather than a nightclub, authorities said.
2000: The survivors of one of Mexico City’s most popular night clubs said they were blocked from leaving the burning building by disco personnel who insisted they pay their bills first.
M E X I C O C I T Y, Oct. 22, 2000 — With flames and smoke filling a glitzy MexicoCity nightclub, terrified patrons fled for the sole exit — only tofind the club’s guards barring the way to some, demanding they first pay theirbills, survivors said.
Twenty people have been confirmed dead in a fire at one of Mexico City’s most exclusive nightclubs.
At least 19 people have died and 24 others been injured in a fire which destroyed a popular night club in the centre of Mexico City.
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