The following mini blogs are the quick notes and thought sharing on subjects relating to Crowd Safety Management

Germany Love Parade Deaths



The thoughts are of the author and are not related to any company or organisation.



Missing in action??

it would appear that we have been missing in action lately. There is no denying that things have slowed down on the page, Twitter, Facebook feeds and the general trawling of the internet for the latest news. Not something that we planned, but a controlled slow down.

At this moment we are wrapped up in several projects that are taking up a considerable amount of time. The sad part of this is we will not be able to share the efforts of all this hard work. We are still working away in our spare time on several small ideas that hopefully will get shared at some point (no time-scales being set……..we might just break), but here are some of the thoughts running through our head……….

Front of Stage Spotters

Egress efficiency factors

Active Shooters……..(although this one may already be taken, if not then it shall be set free)

You never know, we may get around to it this year…….so much to do, so little sleep.

P.s……………….Happy and Safe 2016

Workingwithcrowds 29th January 2016





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