

Adult Proof of Age Card Act 2008

Anti-Discrimination Act 1991

Building Act 1975 Fire and Rescue Service Act 1990 – Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008

Civil Liability Act 2003

Criminal Code Act 1899

Crowd controllers - Guideline

Crowd controller identification | Your rights, crime and the law

Disability Services Act 2006

Disaster Management Act 2003

Drugs Misuse Act 1986

Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990

Liquor Act 1992

Major Events Act 2014

Major Sports Facilities Act 2001

Public Safety Business Agency Act 2014

Public Safety Preservation Act 1986

Security Providers Act 1993

Security Providers (Crowd Controller Code of Practice) Regulation 2008

Security Providers Act 1993 Security Providers (Crowd Controller Code of Practice) Regulation 2008

Terrorism (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2002

Tourism and Events Queensland Act 2012

Weapons Act 1990

Work Health and Safety Act 2011


Best practice guidelines for event delivery in Queensland

Queensland events guide

Events toolkit

Alcohol and Licensed Premises: Best Practice in Policing A Monograph for Police and Policy Makers


Building Fire Safety Management Tool & Advisory Notes

Prepare your emergency plan

Evacuation plan | Emergency services and safety

Fire & Evacuation Plan For high Occupancy Buildings

Fire Safety Management Plan Guideline

Disaster and Emergency Incident Plan

First aid and emergency plans

Emergency planning

Evacuation Planning Resources

People with vulnerabilities in disasters A framework for an effective local response

Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience

Event Management Plan - Alcohol Safety

A step-by-step guide to running sustainable events in Queensland (DOWNLOAD)

A PLANNING GUIDE Non-profit fundraising events: alcohol, safety and event management


Chapter 17 – Major Incidents

Social Media in Disaster Response:Queensland Police Service - Public Engagement During the 2011 Floods

Active armed offender guidelines for crowded places

Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism

Active Armed Offender Guidelines for Crowded Places

Improvised Explosive Devise (IED) Guidelines for Crowded Places

Chemical Weapon Guidelines for Crowded Places

Hostile Vehicle Guidelines for Crowded Places

Australias Counter-Terrorism Strategy

The Use of Private Security Services for Policing

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