Australian Capital Territory
Australian Crime Commission (ACT) Act 2003
Boxing Control Act 1993
Criminal Code 2002
Crimes (Assumed Identities) Act 2009
Crimes (Child Sex Offenders) Act 2005
Crimes (Surveillance Devices) Act 2010
Discrimination Act 1991
Drugs of Dependence Act 1989
Emergencies Act 2004
Freedom of Information Act 2016
Gambling and Racing Control Act 1999
Human Rights Act 2004
Information Privacy Act 2014
Intoxicated People (Care and Protection) Act 1994
Liquor Act 2010
Liquor Regulation 2010
Major Events Act 2014
Mental Health Act 2015
Motor Sport (Public Safety) Act 2006
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989
Personal Violence Act 2016
Prohibited Weapons Act 1996
Protection of Public Participation Act 2008
Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 2000
Security Industry Act 2003
Security Industry Regulation 2003
Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003
Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Act 2006
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011
Nation-wide it is estimated 65% of calls to Emergency Triple Zero (000) are made from mobile phones, with many people unsure of their exact location. This makes it difficult for operators to accurately and quickly dispatch emergency services.
The Emergency+ App offers callers the ability to verbally provide emergency operators with their location information as determined by their smart phone’s GPS functionality.
It also provides users with the contact numbers and a short explanation of when to call other service for support numbers such as the Police Assistance Line (131 444) and the State Emergency Service national call centre (132 500). ACT Policing receive on average 2200 calls a month to Emergency Triple Zero (000), with around 50 per cent not attributable to a life-threatening emergency.
The Emergency+ App was produced and developed by Fire & Rescue NSW and the Triple Zero Awareness Working Group. The ACT Emergency Services Agency receives an average of 5000 calls to Emergency Triple Zero (000) a month.
Fires Near Me Australia
Introducing Fires Near Me Australia – a comprehensive tool for staying aware of bush fire threats across the nation using information sourced directly from fire and emergency services.
We’ve made several new enhancements, including:
– Australian Warnings System: All warnings are displayed using the Australian Warning System of Advice, Watch and Act, and Emergency Warning, meaning no matter where you live or travel, you have a consistent experience.
– Interactive Maps: You can see where fires are happening and their current status on a dynamic map of Australia.
– Incident Updates: We use data sourced directly from fire and emergency services to show bush fires across all states and territories, to help you with decision-making and travel planning.
– Personalised Alerts & Notifications: Now, it’s easy to set up, modify, and save Watch Zones, tailoring alerts for regions you value most and receive updates and warnings instantly on your device.
– Share Information: Share warnings instantly via text message, social media, email, or other channels.
Our team is continuously working to refine and expand the app’s features. Stay connected for future updates as we broaden the scope of covered hazards.
This app has been developed by the NSW Rural Fire Service with the support and assistance of fire and emergency services across Australia.
Provision of toilets at Public Events
Safety at Events
Event Guidelines
Major events play an important role in Australian culture. Our cultural diversity and appetite for sport and entertainment has given the State of Victoria an international reputation as the mecca for major events. The successful hosting of annual large-scale events such as the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix, Australian Open tennis tournament, Airshows Downunder and Moomba, as well as other popular sporting competitions and concerts at
iconic venues including Telstra Dome, Melbourne Olympic Park and the Melbourne Cricket Ground, have reinforced Victoria’s status as the nation’s leader in managing successful events. Success is often defined in terms of the spectacle, economic benefit and
crowd numbers. Success, however, should also be measured by each event’s level of safety.
When attending major events the community has an expectation that they do so without risk of injury and that the event host has systems to ensure their safety. This publication provides practical information to major event organisers, venue owners and suppliers about the management of safety risks and meeting their duty of care through integrated event safety planning. The advice provided here is the result of a lengthy consultative process. A range of major event industry representatives from Victoria developed the initial document. As noted in the acknowledgements, these people represent a cross-section of the major event industry. They include event organisers, major venue operators, service providers and government.
Code of practice for crowd controllers (embedded DOC)
An empirical basis for the ratio of crowd controllers to patrons
Managing the safety of patrons and others in event and venue settings is of significant concern in Australia. A key strategy for dealing with this issue is the use of crowd controllers. Determining sufficient crowd controller numbers to reduce the potential for harm at events and venues is problematic given the many variables that are involved. This study identifies key risk factors impacting the crowd controller to patron ratio decision and develops decision aids (Crowd Controller Assessment Tools) for use by those faced with advising on, or making decisions about, crowd management. Current Australian and international literature were reviewed to contextualise the project and create a basis for understanding a range of factors that impact crowd and alcohol-related violence in the context of public events and venues. In-depth interviews were conducted with key informants drawn from general duties police, specialist liquor law enforcement police, liquor licensing authorities, security firms, local government, national security industry associations, large-scale event/venues and specialist research centres operating in the areas of crowd safety and risk management. In all, some 50 (individual and group) interviews were undertaken in three Australian jurisdictions – Western Australia (Perth and Fremantle), Victoria (Melbourne and Geelong) and New South Wales (Sydney and Newcastle) between April 2012 and February 2013. (Executive summary, edited)
Risk-Based Licensing and Alcohol-Related Offences in the Australian Capital Territory
Since December 2010, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has calculated and set liquor licensing fees according to venue type, occupancy, and trading hours, a practice known as risk-based licensing (RBL). RBL was introduced in the ACT amid growing concerns about the prevalence of alcohol-related problems at licensed premises, increases in the proportion of assaults involving alcohol and increases in hospitalisations for alcohol-related injury. RBL aims to recover some of the policing and regulatory costs of alcohol-related offences with higher risk licensees required to contribute proportionally more to these costs by paying higher licensing fees.
In 2012, the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Inquiry into Liquor Licensing Fees and Subordinate Legislation reported that one year after the introduction of RBL in the ACT, alcoholrelated offences had declined. However it was not clear to what degree alcohol-related offences had declined at licensed premises in entertainment precincts after midnight. Also, concerns persisted, particularly among licensees, that RBL disadvantaged some licensees and failed to address the contribution of off-trade licensees and pre-loading to alcohol-related harms.
This study investigated the impacts of RBL on patterns of alcohol-related offences in the ACT and stakeholders’ perceptions of its efficacy and limitations. It is the first study to attempt to evaluate the impacts of RBL on alcohol-related offences and to seek input from key stakeholders as to its efficacy and limitations.
The evolution of security industry regulation in Australia : a critique Tim Prenzler (Griffith University) ; Rick Sarre (University of South Australia)
This paper charts the main changes in security industry regulation in Australia from the 1980s to the present time, and provides a critique of the regulatory framework and the change process. Change has largely been driven by recurring conduct scandals, with governments obliged to introduce increasingly more stringent integrity checks and competency standards in an attempt to diminish widespread concerns about the industry. Despite the lack of strategic planning, a significant learning process is evident and a clear model of best practice has emerged. Recent enquiries show that Australia still does not have an optimal system for managing the industry but change has been in the right direction, with scope for fine‐tuning to ensure more responsive and effective regulation.