Referencing to assist crowd safety managers in relation to events within the United kingdom. We have gathered together relevant referencing material to assist your planning and research.

The Green Guide Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds 6th Edition

November 1, 2018 The sixth edition of the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds, also known as the Green Guide, is now available to purchase. The Green Guide helps sports grounds owners and operators calculate a safe capacity for their venue.  It is used around the world by architects and designers as a best practice guide for the development and refurbishment of stadiums.  The new sixth edition offers the latest expert advice and technical specifications on ensuring a safe environment for spectators. 

SG02 Planning for Social Distancing at Sports Grounds

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on sport. I am proud of the work that the
Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) and others have done to enable the resumption of football and other sports behind closed doors, but we long for the day that fans can return to our sports grounds and safely enjoy the experience of live sport again. It’s literally the reason we exist.
The SGSA also recognises the immense pressures that sports grounds and clubs, their owners,
staff, players and supporters have faced, and continue to face in light of the pandemic. We know
that many sports will not have the ability to resume without the revenues from ticket sales and

Supplementary Guidance 03: Event Safety Management

SG03: Event Safety Management provides a comprehensive overview of the planning and delivery of safe events.

The core elements of event safety management are brought together in this document, including management responsibilities, conducting risk assessments and developing an Operations Manual. Importantly, it builds on ideas and concepts within the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (Green Guide), for example Zone Ex.

The Purple Guide- The health, safety and welfare and music and other events

Accessing the Purple Guide There is a subscription of £25 for 12 months  access to the Purple Guide website, including all updates and additional guidance that may be added during that period. All funds raised through subscriptions will be used solely for funding the work of the EIF and particularly the costs of maintaining and extending the Purple Guide. EIF is not run for commercial profit.

Alternative Uses Of Sports Grounds

Alternative Uses of Sports Grounds provides much needed advice for sports grounds hosting concerts, religious gatherings and other events that differ from the usual sporting events held at a ground. As artists and promoters seek to reach a wider fan base, sports grounds are increasingly viewed as ideal concert venues as they have excellent facilities, are able to hold large numbers and are experienced in managing crowds

The Northern Ireland Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds

Second Edition

 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 

Civil Contingencies Act 2004

Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957

Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 

 Private Security Industry Act 2001 

 Licensing Act 2003 

Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 

Equality Act 2010 code of practice 

Live music Act 2012 

Safety of Sports Grounds Act.

Football Spectators Act 1989

The Safety at Sports Grounds –The Green Guide 

The Event Safety Guide – The Purple Guide 

HSE Guidance to running events safely

REGULATORY REFORM, ENGLAND AND WALES The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 

Fire Safety Risk Assessment Small and Medium Places of Assembly

Practical Fire Safety Guidance For Places Of Entertainment And Assembly

Fire Safety Risk Assessment Large places of Assembly

Fire Safety Risk Assessment Open Air Events and Venues

Fire Safety Risk Assessment Theatres, Cinemas and Similar Premises

Practical fire safety guidance for places of entertainment and assembly – Scotland

Understanding Crowd Behaviours: Guidance and Lessons Identified

Understanding Crowd Behaviours: Supporting Evidence

Managing crowd safety in public venues: A study to generate GUIDANCE FOR VENUE OWNERS AND ENFORCING AUTHORITY

Managing crowds safely A guide for organisers at events and venues

Crowd Management Measures – FA good practice guide for football clubs

Managing safety in Bars, CLUBS AND PUBS

A review of the management of crowd safety at outdoor street/special events- Prepared by the Buckinghamshire New University for the Health and Safety Executive 2010

Security at events Guidance on the Private Security Industry Act 2001 – SIA

Accessible Stadia – The National Association of Disabled Supporters (NADS)

Use of flares in football stadiums –FOOTBALL FANS, SMOKE BOMBS AND FLARES –FACT SHEET

The Kerslake Report:

An independent review into the preparedness for, and emergency response to, the Manchester Arena attack on 22nd May 2017

CONTEST: The United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism

NaCTSO – Crowded Places Guidance


Journal Articles

Place crowd safety, crowd science? Case studies and application

Keith Still and Marina Papalexi
Department of Business, Manchester Metropolitan University – All Saints
Campus, Manchester, UK
Yiyi Fan
Department of Management, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, and
David Bamford
Department of Business, Manchester Metropolitan


Function Central- Function Central (the UK’s leading live music booking agency) we share an in-depth online resource about the duties and responsibilities of an event organiser for planning and ensuring health and safety during an event.

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