Zeltfest tragedy 19/08/2017
Three months after the Zeltfest tragedy: "Looking to the future full of hope"
SANKT JOHANN AM WALDE / RIED. The disaster in Sankt Johann am Walde: More than 200,000 euros donated for victims.
Upper Austria: Tragedy at fire brigade festival → storm tears away tent → two dead, at least 10 seriously injured
ST. JOHANN AM WALDE (UPPER AUSTRIA): A tent festival in St. Johann am Walde (Braunau district) ended in tragedy on the night of Saturday, August 19, 2017. Two people died, 50 people were injured, ten of them seriously.
The storm late Friday evening tore away the large marquee. For two people, unfortunately, any help came too late. 50 people were injured, ten of them seriously
Storm tragedy at tent festival in the Innviertel
Two people killed, dozens injured. Storm damage throughout Austria
Severe storms have kept in the night to Saturday the forces between Vorarlberg and Upper Austria on their toes and claimed two lives in the district of Braunau am Inn. In St. Johann am Walde, a disaster alert was triggered after a hurricane gust knocked down the aluminium structure of a marquee. The tent, which held 700 visitors to a fire brigade festival, collapsed.
Tent festival tragedy becomes case for the chief prosecutor
SANKT JOHANN/RIED. After the tent festival disaster in Sankt Johann am Walde in the district of Braunau, in which two people died and more than 18 were injured on Friday, August 100, the investigations of the authorities are in full swing.
After tent festival drama, two victims fight back
The criminal investigations after the tent festival drama of St. Johann am Walde with two dead are – as reported – discontinued. The fault was therefore “an unforeseeable natural event”. However, the recovery processes of several surviving victims have not yet been completed. For some, this is likely to take years.
Hurricane in Kobernaußer Wald: The tragedy came out of the blue
Five years ago, hurricane gusts tore away a marquee in the Kobernaußer forest. Two people died and around 140 were injured. There is now a book about the tragedy that came out of the blue.