Photo by Nsey Benajah

Case Studies in "mass panic"

We have added a new slide deck to out Premium Membership training resource. This was part of a presentation on Crowds and what people describe as “mass panic” events. It was not needed as we thought it was slightly too much for the audience, but instead of it going to waste, we thought we should share it.


The PowerPoint has been stripped down to allow you to edit, add to or rearranged. Videos are embedded.


We provide three case studies that may help you present what others describe as Mass Panic events.

London Underground Oxford Circus 2017

Twin Towers New Nork 9/11 2001

Las Vegas mass shooting 2017

These present a collection of thoughts to consider and include videos. Please beware these videos can be disturbing and should be viewed with care. We are not the owners of the video content. 

The link below allows you to download a copy of the course

Note – This presentation contains videos imbedded. This makes this over 2GB and as such cannot show a preview.  


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