Street Events


When we attend a street event; carnival, Christmas light switch on and such, I guess to the majority of us we would not consider that all of the tings there had to be brought onto site. Most people will see it as a street with a couple of things added to it.


The good thing is that streets are designed, in the most for people and we all know how to use them. They are designed to be safe (minus the pot holes that is) for pedestrians and vehicles. The lighting levels are good when the event runs into the evening. So we are off to a good start, so where is the problems.

Like all event spaces, they are temporary and poor design can lead to pinch points or attract excessive footfall. They are also designed to a capacity, but this capacity is spread across the full event space, it is not meant to be compressed into a smaller space. All events work on the same premise; you need enough space to move around in.

We can be lulled into a false sense of security when we are on the streets of our cities and towns, this can lead to us not noticing we are in trouble till it is too late. Our public transport systems also let us think that being is busy areas and surrounded with people. This is not correct, street events follow the same guidance as any event, so if you find too many people around you, get out of there.

Once again there are simple precautions we can take.

  • Stay away from large congested areas where people are moving to and from.
  • Keep clear of groups moving relatively swiftly
  • If a barrier system is set up along a precession route, try not to be up against the barrier with everyone behind you.
  • Beware of Kerbs, staircases and street furniture. Kerbs and staircases are trip hazards in a crowded environment.
  • Low walls in viewing areas can seem attractive to those looking to get a good view, but can prove dangerous.
  • Streets change size depending on their classification or use. Look upwards to the upper parts of the building as a gauge as to the changing sizes in streets. You may not notice on the ground when a street is narrowing, but you will notice if the buildings are closer together.
  • Again, try not to arrive and depart at the same time as everyone.
  • Avoid the major transport hubs on egress, walk a bit away from the venue to the less used hubs.
  • Pedestrians and traffic should not mix, ever! There is no reason for this to be the case and if you see this, get out the way.


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